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“Ben (Aust)”

Ben Healed of Drug Addiction & Receives Undeniable Proof of God's Existence
Ben Healed of Drug Addiction & Receives Undeniable Proof of God’s Existence

Ben read stories of Jesus Christ in the Bible when he was a kid, but couldn’t see how that matched with what he saw in religion today. One day he bumped into someone he knew, who had been instantly healed of a heroin addiction by the power of Jesus Christ. Ben thought that if Jesus was working today, then that was the proof he needed of the existence of God.

She didn’t try to sell him her ideas on religion, but she had a real confidence in Jesus Christ, and said to Ben to go to God, and ask for the proof he needed.

Ben went down to the beach that night, and, while he was praying, he simply said to God that he wanted the truth, in whatever form it was in. Ben instantly received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, a miracle written in the Bible, and experienced by the followers of Christ.

In that moment of time, Ben knew the presence of God, of Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. He went to a Revival Fellowship meeting 2 days later and got baptised under the water just as they all did back in Bible days.

That was in 1979, and Ben’s life was instantly freed from drugs & violence. Each day since has been an amazing journey of discovery into God’s ways and His incredible grace and love.