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“Jenny & Chris Part 2”

Chris finds the Truth & the Bus Trip of Miracles
Chris finds the Truth & the Bus Trip of Miracles

If you didn’t catch our last episode (episode 27), this is Part 2 of the interview I did with Jenny & Chris and I highly recommend you hit the pause button and go a listen to Part 1.

In this episode you’ll hear from Chris who talks about how she used to attend a powerless church and realised that just making a decision for Christ isn’t enough – you actually have to act on Acts 2:38 (see what I did there?). Chris & Jenny then finish up our interview about how a recent bus trip around NZ turned into a healing evangelist trip. There’s no stopping them – they are a formidable force when they get together!

If you’re listening to this and want to know how you can experience the miracles that God promises you in the Bible? Visit or send me an email to me (I love responding to emails).

Until next time, God bless.