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This is a pretty cool story.

David Hains interviews Paddy, who came to know God at 60 years old.

She tells how God transformed her from a woman who was in such despair at the loss of her parents that she was considering taking her own life, to a new person with an amazing outlook on life.  Paddy talks about the love of her new family of God, and being healed of emphysema and asthma.

She also mentions a couple of people who’ve we interviewed before about their amazing stories and miracles, Sue Williams and Pr Brian Allen.  You can listen to their testimonies.

Just a quick warning about the content.  We obviously believe in the ability for God to heal all manner of physical, emotional and mental illnesses, however if you need immediate help regarding suicide or mental health, please contact Beyondblue Support Service via phone on 1300 22 4636 or or contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Both of these services are available 24/7.

If you want God in your life, to heal you, to comfort you, to change you, send us an email

Until our next episode, God Bless